SERVPRO of Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge Event Photos
McFaddens Movement Annual Golf Tournament
SERVPRO of Guelph was honoured to once again participate in the McFaddens Movement (MM27) golf tournament. Not only did we have a great time golfing, we enjoyed seeing all the players at our booth on the 2nd hole. We are proud to be apart of this event and assist in raising awareness for mental health, Thank you to McFaddens Movement for doing such a great job!

SERVPRO Convention 2022
We attended the annual SERVPRO Convention, this year held in Dallas, TX! It's always great to collaborate and share ideas with other teams, as well as represent the #1 brand in restoration. We look forward to what's to come this year... See everyone next year in TAMPA, FL!
CCI Golf Tournament
Amazing day yesterday at the CCI Golf Tournament with a full 150 golfers!
We enjoyed seeing everyone and being apart of such a great event.
(519) 837-8787
Guelph Chamber Golf Tournament
We had such at great time at the Guelph Chamber Golf Tournament today! We are proud to sponsor a hole at the event and want to thank Guelph Chamber for hosting a great tournament!
We are always happy to support our community!

McFadden’s Movement Celebrity Charity Classic
We would like to give a big "Thank You" to McFadden's Movement for Hosting an amazing event for Mental Health awareness!
This years Celebrity Charity Classic was held on July 27th at Cutten Fields here in Guelph! it was so great to be out and social in our community while supporting MM27 once again. Our SERVPRO Team had a lot of fun both in the SERVPRO tent and on the course.
This years Golf Tournament raised a total of $18,000 for mental health resources! We are excited to attend again in 2022.

From Our Team to Yours, Thank You!
SERVPRO Guelph would like to give a big Thank You to all the frontline workers who have made this pandemic possible. We have put together "Thank You" letters, along with some SERVPRO popcorn for Pharmacies, Public Health, Guelph General Hospital, Fire, Police, Ambulance, Grocery Stores and Doctors Offices in and Around Guelph to show our appreciation. We are forever grateful for the dedication and selflessness that you have shown throughout this difficult time. You are true heroes!
From Our Team to yours, Thank you!

McFadden's Movement and Woolley's Warriors
This past hockey season, SERVPRO of Guelph’s, Barret Kirwin was able to put up 59 points, 30 goals and 29 assists, with the Owen Sound Attack. SERVPRO of Guelph has donated $10 per point to two charities that Barret is involved with. We are honoured to partner with Barret and donate $590.00 to each charity on his behalf. Woolley’s Warriors and McFaddens Movement are both incredible, non-profit organizations who have each been founded by Barret’s teammates. Woolley’s Warriors was launched in August 2019 in hopes of conquering diabetes with support and awareness for young athletes living with Type 1. Mark Woolley, a defence man for the Owen Sound Attack, was inspired by his own experience of living with Type 1 and created Woolley’s Warriors in efforts to raise money to send other children like himself to Diabetes Canada D-camps. McFaddens Movement, created by Garret McFadden in September 2016, is a non-profit organization in support of mental health awareness that strives to change, develop and support mental health among athletes. Garret was the former captain of the Guelph Storm and played from 2013-2018. SERVPRO of Guelph would like to thank everyone involved and can’t wait to see what Barret can do next season!

BrokerLink Guelph Charity Golf
SERVPRO of Guelph was happy to sponsor a hole at the annual BrokerLink Guelph Charity Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the event supports hundreds of children in our community through Big Brother's, Big Sister's.
Thank you to Big Brother's and Big Sister's for all they do, and BrokerLink for such a great event.

Children's Foundation of Guelph and Wellington
SERVPRO of Guelph sponsored a hole in one challenge. The prize, Tickets, Accommodations, and Travel (for two) to games 3 & 4 of the 2020 Stanley Cup Finals. Unfortunately no one got the hole in one, but the Children's Foundation raised more then $20,000 from the event.
Money raised will help empower kids with opportunities to grow and reach their full potential.

19th Annual Jerry Hackett Memorial
SERVPRO of Guelph hole sponsor at the Jerry Hackett Memorial Tournament.
This year all proceeds form the day were donated to The Hospice Wellington.
IBAO Convention 2018
The IBAO is a great networking event. A large representation of Brokers, Insurance Carriers, and Vendors. The event also featured many great speakers.

Nolan Melchin Memorial Golf Tournament
On June 8, 2019 SERVPRO of Guelph sponsored a hole in the Sixth Annual Nolan Melchin Memorial Golf Tournament. The organization, Nolan's Corner, is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping local families who have a child battling childhood cancer.
Each year a new family is chosen to be sponsored by the golf tournament. This year, it was 5 year old Logan Scherer who is not only apart of the Guelph community but who is also a SERVPRO family friend. Logan was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and is currently in remission. A big thank you goes out from SERVPRO of Guelph for making us apart of this incredible event, keep fighting Logan!

Guelph Storm
SERVPRO of Guelph is a continuing sponsor of our local OHL team, the Guelph Storm. Winning the OHL championships this year, we are proud of all the hard work and determination showed by the young athletes this hockey season. It is always great attending Friday night home games and cheering on our city!

McFadden's Movement Ball Hockey Tournament
SERVPRO of Guelph sponsored a team including Katelynn MacLeod and Barret Kirwin to participated in the Third Annual McFadden's Movement Ball Hockey Tournament on June 8, 2019. This event is put on to change, help and develop good mental health among all athletes.
An extremely well organized event full of enthusiasm and positivity. This year, the ball hockey tournament welcomed a record of 108 players and 30 volunteers and was able to raise over $4200.00 for mental health resources. What an amazing event!

OIAA Niagara Golf Tournament
SERVPRO Franchisees from across Ontario had a great time sponsoring a hole at the OIAA Niagara Golf Tournament on September the 18th (Sparrow Lakes Golf Club). Our freshly squeezed lemonade was a hit with all. Many thanks to Portage Mutual for organizing a great tourney!

Trees for Tots
SERVPRO of Guelph's Doug Winer (Sales and Marketing Representative) pictured with one of the bigger Christmas trees picked up during the event!
SERVPRO of Guelph was proud to participate in the 4th annual Trees for Tots fund raiser on January 9th, 2016. What a great cause and extremely well organized event. In all, over 2400 trees were picked up by over 150 amazing volunteers throughout the city and $40,000 was raised to support local children. SERVPRO had a great time working with other volunteers on what was an incredible day!

Guelph Firefighters Fundraiser
SERVPRO of Guelph's David Feren (Sales and Marketing Representative) had the pleasure of meeting Sparky (Guelph's Fire Department's mascot) at the Pro Hockey Heroes vs Guelph Firefighter All-stars game on January 9th, 2015. SERVPRO of Guelph was a proud sponsor of the event.
This annual game is a great family event that includes lots of skill and lots of laughs. This was the (22ND) annual game held to raise funds for the Fire Fighters Benevolent Foundation. This fund is used to assist area hospitals in purchasing medical and emergency equipment. The fund has risen over $500,000 since it began in 1984. Kudos to Guelph Firefighters!!!

Guelph Chamber Table Top Trade Show
SERVPRO was pleased to take part at the Guelph Chamber Table Top Trade show on April 6, 2016. Great turn out and enjoyed the new venue location.

Helping NPO's
Joanne Young Evans, CPHI(C), CAE for Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington had kind words for SERVPRO when we donated desks and labour for her organization
""SERVPRO of Guelph is one incredibly community oriented and giving company. They offered some furniture, here on LinkedIn, for non-profits. FCSSGW was fortunate to receive two of the desks for the asking! SERVPRO staff delivered, installed and moved out the old ones - thanks SERVPRO - you are the best!"